He's the frontman for a band called Gogol Bordello. He's from the Ukraine, and his Gypsy family evacuated following the Chernobyl disaster. He then emigrated slowly west through Europe, ending up eventually in New England. Then, in 1998, the band formed and began touring, collecting a hodgepodge of musicians from the world over. They're fantastically popular with critics and have appeared on many major talk shows. Their music is an eclectic blend of punk, East European folk, and latin rhythms. Parts of some of the songs are even in Romani, the Gypsy language!
My fascination is based less on Hütz' musical prowess (though he absolutely, undeniably rocks) than it is on his dedication to his culture, his robust self-education, and his refusal to adulterate his personality and style to fit popular taste. He simply is who he is, unapologetically and without reservation. I want that kind of confidence and joy in my own life.
Pa chiv tuka, Mr. Hütz.